You have just purchased the new Smart Tiles tiles and you can’t wait to install them. Take a few minutes to read the installation instructions following bellow before starting, as these will make life easier. First, clean the surface with a powerful grease-remover such as TSP (Tri-Sodium Phosphate). It is important to have a smooth surface in order to achieve a perfect grip. Using a level or chalk line, trace a guideline to ensure perfect alignment using a Smart Tiles to mark the height. If you are facing an uneven counter, mark the height of your guideline on the lowest side of the counter. Measure with a ruler and report it on the tile. Using a box cutter and a metal ruler with a cork backing will let you easily cut a hole or other shapes within the tiles more accurately. Discover more usefull tips to install your Smart Tiles on a concave wall or around an electrical outlet here. Simply fold back half of the protective paper in the back without touching the adhesive portion with your fingers. Now align the adhesive portion with your guideline and apply a light pressure. It's done ! Now, you can enjoy your new wall and try to win 100$ with our new monthly contest !How to install
How to install Smart Tiles
1. Clean the surface
You can find more details on our website on the FAQ page.
Make sure you allow enough time to the surface to dry properly.
2. Trace your guidelines
3. Measure & Cut
4. Peel & Stick
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